travels jupiter: It’s Time to Start Your Adventures Loki Volcano on Io, Jupiter In orbit around Jupiter, Io is the most volcanically active object in the solar system Great Red Spot, JupiterThe Great Red Spot is Jupiter’s largest surface feature, a swirling red oval storm twice the size of Earth. Ganymede, JupiterThe largest moon to orbit Jupiter, and simply the largest moon in the solar system, is covered up in an icy shell. Europa, JupiterEuropa is another of the Jupiter satellites and it is covered by ice. mars: It’s Time to Start Your Adventures Korolev Crater on MarsBehold the largest skating rink in the solar system. The ice within this crater is a permanent feature. Valles Marineris on MarsValles Marineris is the largest canyon in the solar system, stretching for 600 km. Olympus Mons Volcano on MarsOlympus Mons is the largest volcano in the solar system. It is 700 km across and rises 22 km above the surrounding Tharsis plain. Crater of Utopia Planitia on MarsThe largest recognized impact basin in the solar system, Utopia Planitia features a crater that stretches about 3,300 km across Mars’ northern plains. saturn: It’s Time to Start Your Adventures Dunes on Titan, SaturnTitan has a large equatorial desert called the Shangri-la Land Sea, and it features an impressive network of sand dunes. Kraken Mare on Titan, SaturnNear the north pole of Saturn’s largest moon, Titan, lies a vast sea Kraken Mare, named after the legendary sea monster, the Kraken. Janus and Epimetheus, SaturnThe ringed beauty Saturn is host to a wide variety of wonderful moons. And two of its potato-shaped satellites have a unique arrangement. Saturn’s RingsThe rings of Saturn are one of the most distinct planetary features in the solar system. saturn, uranus, mercury, venus: It’s Time to Start Your Adventures South Polar Geysers, Enceladus, Saturn The brightest moon of Saturn, Enceladus, has a smooth, almost featureless surface covered with ice. Miranda’s Gnarly Cliffs, UranusThe ice giant Uranus’ moon Miranda is a spelunkers dream – its jagged surface is replete with canyons, scarps, terraced outcrops. Caloris Basin on MercuryThe basin is surrounded by Mercury’s highest mountains, towering 3 km above the plains and many lava vents. Venus TripVenus’s most terrifying feature – its atmosphere. Clouds race across the planet at speeds reaching 360 km per hour, blowing from east to west. neptune, pluto: It’s Time to Start Your Adventures Geysers on Triton, NeptuneVisitors to the largest of Neptune’s moons, Triton, will be treated to an array of cryogeysers that are composed of nitrogen frost. The Icy Plains of PlutoThe planet Pluto has so many fascinating features on it that we should call it a wonder in its own right.