Geysers on Triton, Neptune

Visitors to the largest of Neptune’s moons, Triton, will be treated to an array of cryogeysers that are composed of nitrogen frost and dark organic compounds. The smoky-looking geysers might be heard from kilometers away as they stream more than 8,000 meters into the thin atmosphere before their tops are whisked away by prevailing winds. Methane and nitrogen ice cover this world whose surface temperature plummets to almost –200 degrees Celsius.

What Сan You Do Here:

  • this tour is held on all days of the week, as geyser activity is observed regularly

  • for fans of outdoor activities and winter sports: high-speed descent in low gravity conditions on the slope of one of the geysers (ski or snowboard; individually or in a group). Recommended for freestylers and snowboarders (level of difficulty – Medium and High); 

  • group photo on the observation deck against the most active geysers; 

  • see the northern lights: this evening excursion includes a visit to one of the restaurants of local Cryo Cuisine. Wonderful dinner on a veranda with local specialties and watching the northern lights. Local specialties include: 
  • * ice wine (after the deep molecular freezing the wine acquires an absolutely refreshing taste; served with local ice crystals),
  • *ice meat (poultry, pork or fish, after repeated deep freezing and defrosting, the meat becomes incredibly tender), 
  • *Sorbetto de Triton (this smoking dessert can only be tasted at Triton. The secret ingredient allows gourmets sing in an incredibly high voice within an hour after eating this dessert); 

  • Materials Research Laboratory: WinterFall Inc. on Triton is engaged in research of various materials and substances in the conditions of the north; 

  • 156 ski schools: Triton, which has mostly flat surface offers ideal conditions for skiing.

  • cross-country skiing and biathlon: Triton hosts 2 well-known transgalactic championships – the Snow Wind Champ in cross-country skiing and the One Shot Race in biathlon. If your vacation coincides with one of these sports events, please contact our managers to agree on all the necessary details and join the loyalty bonus program.

Nearest Tour Dates: flights to Neptune occur every 3 weeks.

Tour Duration: from 2 weeks. We will help you to plan your stay according to your wishes and available time.

  • low temperature on the surface of this Neptune moon; 
  • special ski goggles: the eruption of geysers is accompanied by optical effects in the atmosphere, which resembles being high in the mountains on planet Earth; 
  • low gravity on the surface of the moon; 
  • the conditions of the earth’s “polar night”: buy pills to modulate mood or antidepressants, because “polar night” conditions affect human biorhythms.

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