Valles Marineris on Mars  

Valles Marineris is the largest canyon in the solar system, stretching for 600 km. At its deepest, the canyon reaches a depth of 8 km. Recommended for lovers of extreme tourism and hiking in high mountains.

What Сan You Do Here:

  • jeep safari in the canyon (trails of 8 to 13 difficulty grade; possible individually, in groups of up to 20 people with instructors); 

  • an unforgettable rope jump from platforms of different heights and amplitudes (for complete extreme sportsmen we recommend Leap of Faith, a dizzying jump into the abyss of 3000m in a special outfit and under the supervision of instructors); 

  • a variety of routes for fans of paragliding, skydiving and parachuting (both individual and in groups);  

  • teste a local specialty – the Kamikaze Suit energy cocktail and you can do anything (spoiler: 2 cocktails will provide you with an energy boost for 24 earth hours).

Nearest Tour Dates: flights to Mars take place daily, regular round-trip flights.

Tour Duration: from 3 days.

  • for certain types of activities, you may be required to provide a conclusion from medical specialists that you have no health contraindications; 
  • a jeep safari needs a driving license of the transgalactic type.

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